
Please explain ...

Knaffe, Bimuelos, Sutlatsch, und Tschachnun.

Dishes with memories from my childhood! Got you curious? So let me explain!

Das Catering tischt auf: Leidenschaft, genialen Geschmack, kreative Kombinationen, Handarbeit, Gerichte aus aller Welt, frische Zutaten, und jede Menge Inspirationen! Eine Stilrichtung kann nicht genau definiert werden, jedoch würde die Mediterrane Küche noch am ehesten in Frage kommen, ohne den Orient zu vergessen. Ein Einkauf am Markt, das frischeste Gemüse, dazu wunderbarer Fisch oder Fleisch, oder auch nicht, Gewürze, Kräuter, und so beginnt die neue Geschmackskomposition. Das Ziel: perfekte Harmonie kreativer Kombinationen.

Joshuas's Catering


What's on the menu?
Joshua's Catering

about joshua

a few questions


tell us about yourself

Geboren in:


Und dann?

22 Jahre Israel, 2 Jahre Weltreise (sehr cool…), 3 Jahre USA, und nun schon eine Weile Wien….die Zeit fliegt….

Warum Wien?

Tja, der Liebe wegen….



Welche Richtung?

Mediterran, Orientalisch, Gewürze, Kräuter,….


Alles ist frisch von Hand immer von oder mit mir vorbereitet und erst bei der Veranstaltung vor Ort zubereitet.


Dattelsirup, Granatapfel, Aubergine, Koriander, Ingwer, rote Rübe, Tahina, Kichererbsen, Unmengen von Zitrusfruchtschalen


Garam Masala (indisch), Chawaiitsch (jemenitisch), Sumaq (arabisch), Rasr al Hanout (marokkanisch), Zaatar, (israelisch), – die Liste könnte endlos sein, nur bitte keinen Kümmel!


Wenig vorhanden, aber wenn dann bei meinen 4 Damen (ja, 3 Töchter…), unserem Hund Finn, und am liebsten zusammen reisend durch die Welt um neue kulinarische Welten zu entdecken! Und wer hätte es gedacht, – neuerdings reite ich auch!


Pistazieneis in Sizilien! Mmmmh…

Fisch oder Fleisch?

Eindeutig Fisch! Ich liebe Fisch! Bei Fleisch: Lamm!


Key Lime Pie, Pavlova, Apple Crumble, New York Cheesecake (the very best…), jede Menge Tajines und Curries


Bourekas zum Frühstück, dann Hummus mit Falaffel, dazu Taboullehsalat und zum Schluss: Malabi (das ist Rosenwasser Panna Cotta mit gerösteten Nüssen und Kokos)


Kreativ, kontaktfreudig und seeehr gesprächig! Beim Kochen 100% fokussiert und perfekt organisiert!

Happily ever after

Best wedding ever! I can’t say enough good things about Joshua and his staff! From the beginning, Joshua was responsive, helpful, and the the tasting was delicious. On our big day, the staff was great, everything looked beautiful and again, the food was absolutely delicious (I only wish I had eaten more)! Everything is hand made and you can taste the soul that Joshua puts into each dish. Thanks for helping make our day everything we dreamed it would be! We are so glad we chose you for this important event in our life!

Für das Feiern zu Hause liefert Joshua jetzt für den speziellen Anlass die besondere feine feier.
Modular online bestellbar sind Speisen, eine gedeckte Tafel, Blumen, Getränke, Kalligraphie und Unterhaltung.
Insta Gram
  • A few examples for your wedding menu. We are happy to personalize every wedding menu based on your wishes and taste 💌 Contact us via DM.
 #weddingmenu #catering  #cateringwedding  #vienna  #viennawedding #weddingfood  #cateringservice  #viennafood  #businesscatering  #schlossmühlbach  #schlosseckertsau  #schlossginselburg
  • About our last catering 😊 #catering #mediterraneanfood #mezze #cateringvienna #weddingvienna #
  • Plan your wedding in Palais Niederösterreich or any other location with Joshua’s Catering. We are happy to discuss your personalized dishes for your very special day. #catering #mediterraneanfood #cateringvienna #chefstouch #mezze #artistsatelier #locationvienna #palaisniederösterreich #weddingplanning #weddingvienna #cateringvienna
  • Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
  • Freshest Tuna Sashimi on grilled green Beans, Zucchini, sundried Tomatoes, pistachio Pesto
  • Meet my stuffed vine leafs, filled with wild rice and herbs. Joghurt mint dip.
  • My cauliflower with my super delicious harissa chicken 😉
#cauliflowerlove #catering #xmasparty #mediterraneanfood #mezze
  • Safran Kardamon Panna Cotta und mmmhhh sizilianisches Pistazienmousse

  • #fundraising #mumok #cateringvienna #cookingtime
  • Preparing fingerfood to pair our home made Bellini

  • Anti Pasti Mezze

#mezze #weddingappetizer #mediterraneanfood #loveveggies #egetarianwedding
  • Swipe to see the special wedding guests!🐶🐕
A few examples for your wedding menu. We are happy to personalize every wedding menu based on your wishes and taste 💌 Contact us via DM. #weddingmenu #catering #cateringwedding #vienna #viennawedding #weddingfood #cateringservice #viennafood #businesscatering #schlossmühlbach #schlosseckertsau #schlossginselburg
2 Tagen ago
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About our last catering 😊 #catering #mediterraneanfood #mezze #cateringvienna #weddingvienna #
2 Wochen ago
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Plan your wedding in Palais Niederösterreich or any other location with Joshua’s Catering. We are happy to discuss your personalized dishes for your very special day. #catering #mediterraneanfood #cateringvienna #chefstouch #mezze #artistsatelier #locationvienna #palaisniederösterreich #weddingplanning #weddingvienna #cateringvienna
2 Wochen ago
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Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! 

Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location.

Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas!


#artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
Looking for the coolest location? This is it! Meet this wonderful artist‘s studio! Robert Comploj is a contemporary fine glass artist exhibiting in museums worldwide with a beautiful atelier at 1180. I was invited by a client to cater a great exclusive event there and was deeply impressed by the work at display and the location. Let‘s party together there! PM me for details and more ideas! @robert.comploj #artistsatelier #locationvienna #uniquelocation #beautifulart #coolcatering #letspartythere #lovecooking
3 Wochen ago
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Freshest Tuna Sashimi on grilled green Beans, Zucchini, sundried Tomatoes, pistachio Pesto
Freshest Tuna Sashimi on grilled green Beans, Zucchini, sundried Tomatoes, pistachio Pesto #catering #tunalove #chefstyle #handmade #christmasparty
4 Monaten ago
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Meet my stuffed vine leafs, filled with wild rice and herbs. Joghurt mint dip.
Meet my stuffed vine leafs, filled with wild rice and herbs. Joghurt mint dip. #cateringvienna #chefstouch #mediterraneanfood #taste #allhandmade #joshuascatering
4 Monaten ago
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My cauliflower with my super delicious harissa chicken 😉
#cauliflowerlove #catering #xmasparty #mediterraneanfood #mezze
My cauliflower with my super delicious harissa chicken 😉 #cauliflowerlove #catering #xmasparty #mediterraneanfood #mezze
4 Monaten ago
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Safran Kardamon Panna Cotta und mmmhhh sizilianisches Pistazienmousse

Safran Kardamon Panna Cotta und mmmhhh sizilianisches Pistazienmousse

Safran Kardamon Panna Cotta und mmmhhh sizilianisches Pistazienmousse

Safran Kardamon Panna Cotta und mmmhhh sizilianisches Pistazienmousse #catering #dessertlover #chefstouch #italylover #sicilyaboveall
5 Monaten ago
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#fundraising #mumok #cateringvienna #cookingtime
5 Monaten ago
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Preparing fingerfood to pair our home made Bellini

Preparing fingerfood to pair our home made Bellini

Preparing fingerfood to pair our home made Bellini #fingerfood #bellini #wedding #endlesssummer
7 Monaten ago
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Anti Pasti Mezze

#mezze #weddingappetizer #mediterraneanfood #loveveggies #egetarianwedding
Anti Pasti Mezze #mezze #weddingappetizer #mediterraneanfood #loveveggies #egetarianwedding
9 Monaten ago
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Swipe to see the special wedding guests!🐶🐕
Swipe to see the special wedding guests!🐶🐕
9 Monaten ago
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mediterranean, oriental, or simply delicious?

+43 664 2500486